How  to sponsor us?



Sponsorship is an essential act allowing the Foundation to cover the fixed costs of managing the school.

You are helping to provide cutting-edge education to 300 children and to offer them a real future.

7,050 DOP (113 CHF / 106 €) corresponds to the total monthly cost of caring for one student including education, school supplies, school transport, food, maintenance etc

Very amount has as a meaning and help. There is no small or large sponsorship.

You can choose and adjust the amount depending on what is accessible to you.




The Foundation's operating costs are less than 5%. Almost all of the amount of your sponsorship is paid directly to the school center.

If you want to support our School Center, you can access the a sponsorship form dedicated for your country


 Thanks in advance for the children !


An example of sponsorship 

The site was produced voluntarily by Flavien Vernet

Le site a été réalisé bénévolement par Flavien Vernet et les vidéos par Gabriel Lavra